It looks like Piz took the internship in New York after all. Here he reviews Säkert!'s Säkert!. Cute. Thanks are in order to Rob Thomas and Pitchfork Media for this little morsel o' fandom.
Ok, so i know last tuesday's episode aired a WEEK ago, but i didn't get a chance to see it till last night (darn school work!). So... here is something that i couldn't figure out last night (no matter how many sites i went to):
Why is it that everyone hates Piz so much, when Im pretty sure he'd be a great boyfriend to Veronica. I mean, Im all for Veronica/Logan...but let's be honest. The two are on very shakey ground.
Oh, and Wallace. Any prospective love interests for him?
Am i the only one around here who likes Piz? I think he's hilarious and seems pretty smart.. If logan and Veronica do break up (which i'm not wishing, i've just read they might) I think seeing Veronica and Piz together might be kind of cute.
Does anyone have the conversation Piz and Veronica had in the cafeteria? I'm trying to help out a friend in a relationship crisis and I think that is PERFECT advice to give... thanks!